There are numerous ways to get funding from the government, be it for a new home, college or even daycare for your kids. Did you know about these free money avenues?
- Author: Monica Jackson
- Posted: 2024-11-14
Government Grants
The US government has prioritized COVID relief due to the pandemic and every American citizen is entitled to it. It comes in the form of stimulus checks issued by the US treasury. Save for the COVID stimulus, the government also offers regular programs to those who are having a hard financial time. These grants, however, do not simply land at your doorstep. You need to find them and apply for consideration.
These government programs receive funding from taxpayers' money and are the closest thing to free money in America. Let's have a look at some of the day-to-day expenses you can get help with.
Utility Bills
The Energy Information Administration recently released a report that showed more than 30% of American households struggled with paying their energy bills. If you need help settling your phone or heating bill, you can apply for the following programs:
- The Lifeline Program
If your phone bill has gotten out of hand, you can seek help from the Lifeline program. It offers internet and phone services at lower rates compared to most providers. As expected, you need to satisfy their requirements to become eligible.
- The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
This program issues grants to low-income households who cannot cover their heating and cooling expenses. The grants are funded by the Department of Health and Human Services and disbursed through your respective states. As such, your state determines the income level and other conditions that make you eligible for the grant.
Child Care
Daycare expenses are common to most low and middle-income households but quite expensive. The expenses range from $5,000 to 420,000 annually depending on your state. You can apply for help from the organizations below. If you are having trouble affording your child's daycare.
- The Child Care and Development Fund
This fund is administered by the Department of Health and Human Services and is aimed at helping low-income families. The money is given to tribes, territories and states who then disburse it to needy families. To qualify for this fund, you must have a child of 13 years or less and satisfy the fund's income regulations.
Down Payment Help
We all want to own a home someday but it is not as easy as it seems. Are you unable to afford the down payment for a new home? Your state can help you with that. They offer loans and grants to help you get started on buying that home you want. For instance, Kentucky offers down payment assistance through the Kentucky House Corporation (KHC).
Several reliable mortgage lenders take part in KHC programs and offer both tax credits and down payment assistance. You can contact one of their approved lenders to find out if you are eligible.
College Grants
Paying for college is not easy for the average student but you can always apply for a fund to help you out. Your eligibility depends on your enrollment status, financial need and attendance expenses.
- Pell Grant
It is a federal financial aid program that offers need-based help for college undergraduates. The grant is preferable to a loan because you do not incur interest or have to pay the money back at all. To qualify you to need to apply and check your eligibility based on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. You also have to be a US citizen and a first-time undergraduate student.
The FAFSA application is also used to determine your eligibility for institutional and state scholarships and grants. You can apply for more college grants from the following Programs:
a) The Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant
b) Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant
c) The Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant
The US Department of Labor also features a search service where you can look for relevant scholarships.
Health Insurance Tax Credits
The Affordable Care Act allows you to qualify for premium tax credits by buying family or individual health insurance from if you qualify, the credits are paid to your health insurance provider, reducing the monthly payments you are liable to pay.
Final Thoughts
In your quest for financial aid, you must beware of the unscrupulous schemes looking to rob you of your hard-earned coin. Conduct some due diligence and ensure that you are seeking help from a legitimate program.